SriLankan Catering wins Gold award at CNCI awards

SriLankan Catering wins Gold award at CNCI awards

Colombo September 19,2019:SriLankan Catering  was presented with  National Gold award by Ceylon National Chamber of Industries(CNCI) for its superior performance  at the awards ceremony held recently. Honourable Speaker of the Parliament Karu Jaysuriya  who was the chief guest at the wards ceremony  presented  the award to Chief Executive of the SriLankan Catering Lalith Withana.

SriLankan Catering is a fully owned subsidiary of the SriLankan Airlines now serves 24 airlines having an operation which is comparable to any other best caterer in the world. It also caters to all the lounges at BIA and operates the transit hotel at Bandaranayake international Airport.

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SriLankan Airlines



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