SriLankan Cargo Triumphs at the National Logistics Awards

SriLankan Cargo Triumphs at the National Logistics Awards

4 April 2022; Colombo – SriLankan Cargo made a double win at the recent National Logistics Awards, taking home ‘Gold’ in the Airline category and an ‘Award of Recognition’ for its prolific contribution to the economy through air cargo services during the pandemic. The National Logistics Awards were organized by the Sri Lanka Logistics & Freight Forwarders Association and attended by over 500 participants from freight forwarding, shipping and courier companies and other airlines.  

SriLankan Cargo strategized and went beyond to provide innovative solutions to the Sri Lankan logistics community in the past two years following the onset of COVID-19. Effectively, SriLankan Cargo was able to bridge gaps in the market and uphold air transportation of goods including essential medical supplies between Sri Lanka and the rest of the world during this period. SriLankan Airlines uplifts over 31 per cent of the total exports from Sri Lanka, allocating 56 per cent of the airline’s capacity out of the Colombo base station.

The awards won are a testament to SriLankan Cargo’s remarkable contribution to the air cargo industry and economy of Sri Lanka. The cargo business of SriLankan Airlines hopes to make further strides as it continues on the path of innovation and creating value for its esteemed logistics partners and customers.



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