SriLankan Airlines Engineering on a Roll with C-Check for SereneAir

SriLankan Airlines Engineering on a Roll with C-Check for SereneAir

24 August 2022; Colombo – The Engineering division of SriLankan Airlines continues its winning streak with yet another C-Check for a customer airline. This time, the heavy maintenance C-Check was performed on an Airbus A330-202 aircraft owned by Pakistani airline, SereneAir, at SriLankan Engineering’s dedicated European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) approved wide-body hangar.  SriLankan Engineering has carried out a total of six heavy maintenance checks to date this year for several customers, with each generating a significant inflow of essential foreign currency.  

The C-Check performed for SereneAir is unique in two ways. Firstly, it stems from the first exclusive base maintenance agreement that SriLankan Engineering has signed with a customer airline. The contract grants exclusivity to SriLankan Engineering in carrying out all base maintenance work for current and planned Airbus A320 and A330 aircraft in SereneAir’s fleet for a three-year period. Secondly, it is the first instance where SriLankan Engineering has performed heavy maintenance work on an aircraft-engine combination that is atypical of the aircraft-engine combinations in SriLankan Airlines’ own fleet.

SriLankan Engineering has been rapidly advancing its profile and customer portfolio in South Asia and beyond as a highly reliable and capable provider of heavy maintenance services.  SriLankan Engineering is particularly recognized for its outstanding on-time performance; turnaround time (TAT); and workmanship within the industry. This is demonstrated through the increasing number of new customer airlines that have come on board for an assortment of aircraft maintenance services including base maintenance; line maintenance; and component maintenance.

This year alone, SriLankan Engineering has completed several high-value maintenance projects. This consists of numerous C-Checks for customer airlines in addition to SereneAir such as Nepal Airlines; SalamAir; and Air Seychelles. Additionally, SriLankan Engineering has supplied Aircraft On Ground (AOG) base maintenance services to Turkish Airlines and FitsAir; and its fly-away teams provided major maintenance services for Nepal Airlines, Flyme (Villa Air) and Maldivian at overseas airports.

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