Use these tips to avoid scams and learn what to do if you think your FlySmiLes ID has been compromised.
If you receive an email or someone claiming to be from SriLankan, who calls and asks for your account name and password, then it’s likely you have been a target of a scam.
Scammers use any means to obtain your personal information including but not limited to fake emails, pop‑up ads, texts and instant messages, and even phone calls. They will try to trick you into sharing personal information, such as your FlySmiLes ID password or credit card information. Here are some helpful tips on how you can protect your account and avoid scams.
Protect your FlySmiLes ID
Never share your FlySmiLes ID, password with anyone. SriLankan will never ask you for this as part of our validation process or when providing support. If you believe that your FlySmiLes ID has been compromised, we encourage you to change your password immediately.
If you get a suspicious phone call or voicemail
Scammers also try to copy email and text messages including the unauthorized use of corporate logos and formats from legitimate companies in order to trick you into sharing your personal information and passwords. We recommend our customers do not follow links or open attachments in suspicious or unsolicited messages. If you need to change or update your personal information, contact us directly.
The following signs can help you to identify potential phishing scams:
Sender’s email address or phone number does not match the name of the company that the sender is claiming to be from.
Your email address or phone number is different from the one that you provided to the company.
The message starts with a generic greeting, such as “Dear customer.” Most legitimate companies will include your name in their messages to you.
A link appears to be legitimate but upon clicking takes you to a website URL which does not match the address of the company website.
The message looks significantly different from other messages that you may have received from the company.
The message requests personal information, such as credit card details or account password.
The message is unsolicited and contains an attachment.
Report phishing attempts and other suspicious messages to Srilankan
To report a suspicious email claiming to be from Srilankan, you can forward the message to us at Please include complete header information. Whilst this email address is monitored by SriLankan, you may not receive an individual reply to your report beyond an auto‑acknowledgement.