Each Division of the Airline was adorned with creative Christmas décor designed with eco-friendly material as SriLankan employees went green to celebrate the spirit of Christmas for the second time. Whilst creative talents of the employees need to be appreciated, the initiative also showcased the commitment which they have made towards making an effort to stay true to adopting a sustainable work ethic.
Beach cleaning at Negombo, organized by Students of SLAC
A Beach for a country is a treasure that should be protected and safe guard, not only as it brings foreign revenue to the country through tourism but also it helps countries to keep its natural eco systems flourished. However coastal ecosystems worldwide have been, and still are, heavily influenced by humans through pollution and habitat loss. Over 80% of all marine pollution originates from land-based sources which are primarily industrial, agricultural and urban.
Waste management awareness session for Andiambalama Maha Vidyalaya
SriLankan Environment Unit once again completed a successful awareness session on ‘Waste management and best practices’ at the Andiambalama Maha Vidyalaya. This was conducted due to a request made by the SriLankan School Green Club members attached to the same school at the last World Environment Day event.
Environment Day - 2018
SriLankan Environment Unit celebrated the World Environment Day 2018 with a company-wide competition titled ‘Green Challenge 2018’ which invited the conservation minded SriLankan employees to propose innovative projects which could be adopted to reduce polythene and plastic usage within the Airline.
Second phase of ‘Flygreen’, SriLankan Airlines’ voluntary carbon offset mechanism
SriLankan Airlines as a responsible airline launched ‘flygreen’ programme, its own carbon offset programme back in 2015. This programme set to offset 3000 tonnes of carbon in its first phase, which is a delight to note that the programme achieved by the first quarter of 2018.
Earth hour 2018 - Adopt a Plant
As you may know, adverse effects due the climate change continue to wreak havoc across the globe whilst the staggering loss of biodiversity threatens to dull the world of its natural beauty. In such context, the Earth Hour 2018-2020 endeavours to spark conversations on the loss of nature and the urgent need to protect it.
Waste management awareness programme for all staff
Solid Waste management has become one of the major environmental hazard and an issue that Sri Lanka face at present. Dumping garbage on road sides and sensitive areas such as wetlands, marshy lands, reservation etc. is a common practice adopted by the public in all areas.