Inflight Wifi| inflight internet

На борту с Wi-Fi

Оставайтесь плодотворным во время полета, с Wi-Fi на борту SriLankan Airlines. Отвечайте на Ваши письма, путешествуйте по Интернету или общайтесь с друзьями онлайн - так же, как если Вы бы были на земле.
Услугу Wi-Fi на борту предоставляется на рейсах нашего нового Airbus A330-300. Мы дадим Вам знать, если Ваш рейс оснащен средствами Wi-Fi на борту во время полета.

Important notice

Our onboard WiFi and mobile services are temporarily not available on our A330-300 flights. This is due to a technical issue with the satellites that is outside of our control. We are closely working with the relevant service providers to resolve this as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Как я могу получить доступ к услуге Wi-Fi на борту?
  • Включите Wi-Fi на вашем ноутбуке, планшете или смартфоне и выберите сеть 'OnAir'
  • Запустите веб-браузер, чтобы получить доступ к окну.
  • Выберите ценовой план ваших предпочтений, и оплатите кредитной картой или преобретите предоплаченную Wi-Fi карту у нашего экипажа.
  • Скорее в интернет!

Каковы тарифы для доступа в Интернет?
  • Visit OnAir web portal for detailed pricing plans*
  • All packages are valid for the purchased non-stop flight only.

*Fair usage policy applies

WIFI Connectivity

When the illuminated sign is switched off, you can use your mobile, laptop or smart device. Your laptop or smart device can be connected through the WIFI network, through which you can email, tweet, whatsapp, viber, snapchat, send texts or simply surf the internet during the journey. To maximize the data that you have purchased, please ensure that all other apps running in the background of your device are deactivated. For further information and user instructions, please refer to the user guide in the seat pocket.

Mobile connectivity

When the illuminated sign is switched off, you can use your mobile, laptop or smart device. In order to make a phone call, you may dial the number, as you do when you use a roaming facility. The charges are billed by your mobile service provider depending on your roaming package.

*Kindly note that it is not possible to use WIFI or make calls when flying over India or whenever the illuminated sign is switched on.

Internet Coverage

Global Map of the internet Coverage

Mobile Coverage

Global Map of the GSM(Mobile) Coverage



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