What We Do

Energy Management

Our success stories are all about what we managed to achieve, despite our humble beginnings. We continue to explore novel avenues to steer impactful sustainability initiatives and provide an ideal environment for the most outrageous and seemingly impossible idea to take root.

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21 October 2015

A Solar Bike project by SriLankan Staff

Being the environment conscious and responsible members of SriLankan family, creative minds of the Electrical Team of Properties and Facilities Division invested their talents and expertise to invent a solar powered motor bike for SriLankan Airlines. An upcoming renewable energy source, solar energy is used to charge a recycled battery which intern utilized to power a motor bike.

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9 August 2013

Regenerating Sealed Batteries

SriLankan Properties division being one of the pillers in the Airlines’ Environmental strategy came up with a brilliant project, which is regenerating Sealed Batteries. This programme intends to regenerate a total of 1000 sealed batteries by 2015, and by 2013, the electrical Facilities section of Properties division has managed to regenerate close to 500nos of batteries.

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19 February 2011

Introducing Energy Efficient Lighting

In 2008, CFL bulbs were introduced to the offices at the SriLankan Airline. The project started at the SriLankan Aviation College followed by Flight Operations new building and Admin Building. The annual saving achieved by introducing CFL bulbs was 6.2 Mn LKR.

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