What We Do

Our success stories are all about what we managed to achieve, despite our humble beginnings. We continue to explore novel avenues to steer impactful sustainability initiatives and provide an ideal environment for the most outrageous and seemingly impossible idea to take root.

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9 December 2013

IATA IEnvA and Carbon offset awareness rising session

Along with safety and security, global environmental responsibility has become a top priority for global airlines. Being an environment friendly airline, SriLankan is also aiming to reduce its environmental impact by implementing new strategies, policies and programmes. The final month of the year 2013 was of much significance for the UL Environment Team with the initiatives taken to implement IATA carbon offset mechanism and IATA Environment management system (IEnvA) in the airline.

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20 October 2013

Project BLUEprint - Mirissa

SriLankan Airlines has launched the Project BLUEprint in partnership with Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC), UK. The Airline and wildlife charity is working together to jointly develop a community-based responsible whale and dolphin watching industry off the coast of Sri Lanka and encourage responsible behavior amongst local boat tour operators.

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9 August 2013

Energy management and conservation awareness campaign for staff

Raising internal awareness on environmental sensitive issues and also on the conservation efforts are one of task that Environment team embark on in their schedule. Being one of the active members of the Environment Team, the electrical team of Properties and Facilities division conduct awareness programmes for all staff by going office to office emphasizing the impact of energy conservation and as individuals how they could be involved in energy saving.

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9 August 2013

Regenerating Sealed Batteries

SriLankan Properties division being one of the pillers in the Airlines’ Environmental strategy came up with a brilliant project, which is regenerating Sealed Batteries. This programme intends to regenerate a total of 1000 sealed batteries by 2015, and by 2013, the electrical Facilities section of Properties division has managed to regenerate close to 500nos of batteries.

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5 June 2013

Biogas Plant for SriLankan

As a conservation minded corporate, SriLankan Airlines constantly trying to innovate their environmental portfolio. As a result and to provide a solution to the current issue of not having a proper disposal procedure for the waste generated at the canteen, SriLankan introduced a proper environmentally-friendly solution by installing an in-house biogas plant.

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