Solid Waste Management

Biogas Plant for SriLankan

Biogas Plant for SriLankan


As a conservation minded corporate, SriLankan Airlines constantly trying to innovate their environmental portfolio. As a result and to provide a solution to the current issue of not having a proper disposal procedure for the waste generated at the canteen, SriLankan introduced a proper environmentally-friendly solution by installing an in-house biogas plant.

After the waste is diverted to the biogas system the organic waste (kitchen waste, garden waste, etc.) is broken down to organic matter through anaerobic digestion (without oxygen). Biogas is a by-product of this anaerobic digestion which contains methane (more than 60%) giving it the flammable property enabling us to use it in the process of cooking or as an engine fuel. This project produce 4500kg of gas per annum and SriLankan have replaced a 5 kWhr boiler which will save nearly Rs. 600,000.00 per annum.


  • Provides a solution for managing both the waste generated at the canteen and the garden.
  • Minimal contribution on the greenhouse effect and it is less harmful than the gas emitted from burning conventional fossil fuels (LP Gas).
  • Would reduce the amount of waste being dumped by the Municipal Council to open areas and thus contribute to reducing the adverse effects associated with open dumping.
  • Can use the slurry accumulated in the system as a good fertilizer for gardening purposes.
  • Can improve the waste separation and make a behavioral change in the employees to identify and categorize their waste accordingly.
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