Carbon Management

Planet Friendly Flights

Planet Friendly Flights



SriLankan Airlines’ first ‘Green’ flight, UL 557 made its way to Frankfurt on the 21st March, 2009, heralding a new chapter in the Aviation history of Sri Lanka while becoming the first South Asian carrier to show such full and unconditional commitment to environment conservation.

South Asia’s first ‘Planet Friendly Flight’, included a comprehensive range of measures for this historic flight to make it as eco-friendly as possible. This flight set to minimize its carbon footprint by implementing various operational initiatives which has impact on enhancing fuel consumption, reduce carbon emissions and also reducing noise levels. Also by collaborating with the Air traffic controllers, to ground movements and flight operations, this flight proved that environmentally friendly thinking and better coordination’s can deliver a productive carbon reduce flight which is as almost like a flight with technologically enhanced and that uses alternative bio-fuels.

At the vent day for the passengers, the experience began with a special green counter and paperless ticketing. On-board the cabin crew educated the passengers of the green initiatives established by the Airline for its ‘planet friendly flights’ concept.

Overall the South Asia’s first ‘planet friendly flight’ was a huge success as many positive comments flown from the various passengers who took part in this historical flight. With this symbolic flight SriLankan Airline launched its environmental friendly intention to the world while embedding these ‘Green’ practices in to its daily operations and making all of the airlines’ flights, ‘planet friendly flights’

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