Global commemoration

World Environment Day 2017

World Environment Day 2017


 World Environment Day is the biggest annual event takes place in the world for positive environmental actions. 2017 theme of the Environmental day was ‘Connecting People to Nature’. This means, get people outdoors to appreciate nature, its beauty, its importance and most importantly its protection.

SriLankan Airlines Environment unit also celebrated their annual World environment day together with the SriLankan Cares by organising a series of events during the environment week started from 5th June 2017.

1st Event – 5th June 2017

First event took place on 5th June at Katunayeke premises with a tree planting programme. Staff were invited to plant medicinal plants at the premises and also many plants were distributed among the staff for those who were interest to plant these valuable plants at home.

2nd Event - 7th June 2017

The second event took place on 7th June at Andimabalama Maha Vidyalaya where the SriLankan team distribute 50 medicinal plants to the school to plant at their school premises. Also more than 150 medical plant were distributed among the community through ‘Grama Niladhari’ surrounding the areas of Katunayake and Andimabalama.

3rd Event – 9th June 2017

The series of events that was planned to commemorate Environmental week concluded with an inauguration ceremony of SriLankan ‘School Green Club’ On the 9th June, 36 students of Andiyambalama Maha Vidyalaya inducted into the Green club and they were presented with the club badges and a record books to record all their projects regarding sustainable development and environmental conservation.

After the inauguration ceremony Mr. Ananda Mallawathanthri, Country Representative of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) gave a fruitful lecture to the students on the topic “Connecting people to nature”.

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