Special Community projects

Waste management awareness session for Andiambalama Maha Vidyalaya

Waste management awareness session for Andiambalama Maha Vidyalaya


SriLankan Environment Unit once again completed a successful awareness session on ‘Waste management and best practices’ at the Andiambalama Maha Vidyalaya. This was conducted due to a request made by the SriLankan School Green Club members attached to the same school at the last World Environment Day event.

Considering this special request made by the club members, SriLankan Environment unit invited Ms. N.M. Lakmini Radhika, Assistant Director (Environmental Education & Awareness Division), Central Environment Authority, the same speaker who conducted the awareness session at the airlines’ event to conduct this special session for the school children.

It was a very interactive awareness session and after the event students express their gratitude to Ms. Radhika and SriLankan Environment unit for organizing such an eye-opening educational session and also helping them to gain knowledge on such an important area.

SriLankan Environment Unit plans to conduct similar awareness sessions to likeminded schools in the future and stimulate the next generation in preserving the environment. Also as the national carrier progress towards its vision ‘planet friendly SriLankan’, it hopes to encourage the younger generation to rally around them and becoming a forerunning force to carry the world to a more cleaner, more resourceful and more healthier place to live in.

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