Awareness Campaigns

Cleaner Surrounding, Greener Airline

Cleaner Surrounding, Greener Airline


Continuing with their efforts of creating a greener airline, SriLankan Environment Unit launched a “Cleaning Day” with the support of the entire SriLankan workforce. The ‘Cleaning Day’ unraveled around the theme of ‘Cleaner surrounding, greener airline’ and invited the entire workforce to join with SriLankan Environment Unit in their endeavor to create a planet friendly Airline.

The staff came in numbers despite their busy schedules to be a part of this programme. Managers, staff and helpers came together to work as a team and cleaned the entire Katunayake premises. Close to 300 staff held hands with the Environment Unit and collected recyclable scrap worth approximately Rs. 370, 000/- to make this a worthy attempt in less than three hours.

The staff combined together to clean the areas of P & E, Engineering, Ramp, Garden, office and cargo of the Airline’s Katunayake base. Not only did this effort create a dengue free cleaner working area, but it also showcased team work can achieve greater heights.

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