Special Community projects

Establishment of the SriLankan School Green Club

Establishment of the SriLankan School Green Club


Next generation has a key role to play in preserving the fading charm of Earth’s Greenery, hence the right culture should be created during school days to ensure that they grow up to be individuals who work towards preserving the core essence of Mother Nature.

With the objective of creating a younger generation who are committed towards environment conservation, SriLankan Environment unit together with SriLankan Cares recently launched “School Green Club” concept with Andiambalama Maha Vidyalaya. The club was installed on 13th June at the Andiambalama Maha Vidyalaya with 50 selected students in parallel to the World Environment Day 2016 programme.

The key objective of this initiative is to inculcate and enhance knowledge in green practices amongst young students during their early youth. The ‘Green Clubs’ will help the students to gain knowledge on good environment practices, latest green initiatives and will also provide a networking platform for the young students to share knowledge, experiences and ideas to engage.

The Clubs will also help bring together the teachers, parents, community leaders and aspiring youth leaders. SriLankan Cares and SriLankan Environment Unit will provide advisory services while assisting the Clubs to draw-up action plans that focus on group-oriented, year-long projects that will have measurable benefits to the schools and to the community. 

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