Passekudah beach cleaning campaign

Passekudah beach cleaning campaign


SriLankan Airlines and its newly established environment team was invited by the LSR & PADI divers association to take part in a national event recently. This is to par take in a much needed beach cleaning campaign at war-torn Passekudah beach in trincomalee. As an environmentally savvy organization who constantly looking to demonstrate its commitment, accept the invitation and dispatch a volunteer team to take part in this national endeavor where the team joined with close to 300 likeminded volunteers in cleaning the beach.

A dozen of employees from SriLankan travelled all the way to Passekudah on the east coast to join the volunteer team on 19th September 2009 and commence the cleanup campaign. As it mentioned in the history, Passekudah beach was world renowned as one of the country’s most fabulous beaches in the seventies, but was largely abandoned due to the islands’ 30 years long civil war. This part of the country was largely controlled by the LTTE, the terrorist organization and was recently liberated by the Armed forces but it is evident that the beach has seen much devastation.

The volunteers collected huge amounts of garbage, which was sorted in to recyclable and non-degradable items. At the end, the organizers of the event were pleased with the volunteer turn up and their commitment for this initiative and appreciated SriLankan for being there for the much needed support.

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