
“Wanajeevi” Journal Onboard

“Wanajeevi” Journal Onboard


“Wanajeevi” the annual journal of Department of Wildlife Conservation of Sri Lanka has become an educational journal that receives a wide range of global attention. This magazine is published with the intention of educating the global readers regarding the natural beauty of Sri Lanka with the information on endemic species, plants and forest reserves of Sri Lanka.

As the national carrier which caters immensely to promote the industry of tourism and environmental conservation in Sri Lanka, its Environment Unit have taken another step to promote the islands natural wonders by uploading an e-version of the ‘Wanajeevi’ journal on board.

The magazine was launched as an e-magazine to be read on onboard so that the visitors to the island will receive a vast knowledge regarding the diversity of island’s natural habitat. Through this inventive measure taken by SriLankan Airlines, they intend to share the island’s natural charm with a diverse set of readers. This would be a prodigious way to promote the hidden wonders of wildlife in Sri Lanka and attract the attention of many tourists who are eager to discover the natural beauty which is exclusive to Sri Lanka; a land like no other.

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