Carbon Management

EU ETS Programme

EU ETS Programme


The European Emissions Trading Scheme is a measure taken by the European Union to incentivize the reduction of CO2 emissions by allowing a certain amount to be produced per year and obliging to cover any extra CO2 emissions by the acquisition of emission certificates (1 certificate for 1 tonne of CO2 produced). This scheme is already implemented in ground sectors such as energy production or high energy consuming industries such as cement, iron & steel, pulp & paper or mineral oil refining in Europe.

In January 2009, directive 2008/101/EC was published to include the aviation sector into EU ETS from 2012 onwards. In order to participate, airlines have to monitor and report Annual Emissions and Tonne Km data regularly from 2010 onwards.

Carbon monitoring and reduction became a critical area to look at after 2009 but SriLankan took the challenge and implemented its own carbon monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) mechanism with the help of SriLankan Internal IT department and became one of the first in Asia to complete the project with obtaining total of 85% free carbon credits to the airline, saving millions of rupees.

Fuel Management Information System (FMIS) is the internal system which is built by SriLankan IT team for the purpose of Carbon monitoring. The system won a merit award for the best software at the national best software quality awards. This was a crowning moment to the talents and the quality that SriLankan portraits at national levels which proves its brand of excellence.

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